

Yarm School - Preparatory School Block C

October 2022

The redevelopment of Prep School Block C is part of Yarm School's continued commitment to providing outstanding facilities for the school community.

Helm is appointed as Project and Cost Managers to deliver this scheme as part of our continued support to the school.

Design and construction of a new two storey school building (ground, mezzanine and first floors) incorporating entrance, reception, Main Hall, Library and Classroom accommodation and associated circulation, storage, kitchen and w.c. accommodation. The works include the demolition and removal of the existing Block C building, all associated enabling works and service diversions, earthworks, retaining structures, construction of new Block C and perimeter treatments, new link and associated Block B alterations, foul and surface water drainage, services, external stairs, hard and soft landscaping, and public highway works along Grammar School Lane.

Works have commenced on site and due for completion September 2023.

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