Internal refurbishment of HMRC facility

Interior design and project management for HMRC.




Newcastle upon Tyne





Interior design and project management for HMRC. The ‘Future Workspace Regional Centre Programme’ has seen the beginning of refurbishment and transformation works for HMRC across the Benton Park View Estate.

This phase at Benton Park View incorporates a light, modern, agile working environment spanning across two floorplates and a central atrium. Offering a diverse mix of agile work settings, the 31,017sqft workspace includes a variety of meeting facilities, gender neutral washrooms and supports both collaborative and private working zones.

By creating flexibility for staff, the business objectives were to increase productivity and collaboration between teams whilst reducing the footprint of the real estate space and lowering costs.

The scheme incorporates multi use of colours and texture to provide a feeling of quality and richness, encouraging all staff to feel they can use the space with confidence and comfort.

As part of the ‘Future Workspace Regional Centre Programme’, HMRC’s ambitious masterplan within the next 3-5 years is creating an agile working environment across the entire estate.


- BCO Awards 2020 shortlist
- Mixology North 2019 winner
- Northern Design Awards 2019 finalist

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